5 Go to Smuggler's Top is the 4th book in the Famous Five collection by the British writer Enid Blyton. Many foreign countries live main will try to climb to the highest launch position from the lowest brand, now Apex hero before the professional player Iitztimmy Timmy continuous mad liver 54 hours, climbed from the bronze card to the top hunting . Timmy has recently opened live, vows do not climb up to top hunting. Although he challenged the master in May this year, it was more than 33 hours of single-row, but this goal is higher, and must be squeezed into the top 750 to step into the temple of the top hunt. It's still not too difficult to start, but as the player is, the higher the rise, the strength of the opponent will slowly improve, and it is easier to break through the top hunting. TIMMY lights climbed out of the diamonds basically consuming all day, and the masters in the blink of an eye have been taken for nearly 46 hours. Not only every stage is to face the mo...