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Watch Dogs Legion: Update 5.5 mit Assassins Creed

As Ubisoft announced, the Open World Title Watch Dogs Legion will be provided with the extensive content update 5.5 over the coming week.

Among the contents who find the route with the update, among other things, the two PVP modes invasion and Extraction, which should actually appear in May, but had to be moved due to various delays. In addition, the Legion of the Dead mode leaves, to which we here have summarized more details for you, the alpha phase and can be played on the consoles in a revised version.

by Assassin's Creed and the resistance

The players of Watch Dogs Legion are also looking forward to a crossover with the Assassin's Creed series. While Darcy, her sign member of the British Assassin Guild, can only be played if her owns the Season Pass of Watch Dogs Legion its own, the story quests and World missions associated with the crossover are provided all players.

The final point below the new content sets the so-called Resistance mode with which it is to make it possible to experience the campaign in a very new way. Here, the players are easier to assist in active checkpoints, in the immediate vicinity of soldiers and Albion-Tech Points. In addition, the speed-trip function was deactivated and all enemies in elites were transformed, which call faster after reinforcement.

on the subject : Watch Dogs Legion: Roadmap has been updated

Since the Permadeath function is activated, the Resistance mode requires a particularly strategic and cautious procedure. And so that your classic game does not have to overwrite, hold the update 5.5 two additional memory slots, thanks to which you can look in the Resistance mode.

The new content update will appear on 24th August 2021. Watch Dogs Legion is available for the PC, the PlayStation 4, the PlayStation 5, the Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S and Stadia.

Sharpen Your Hidden Blades, Get Ready to Hack Other Players, Prepare for New Challenges, and more. Title Update 5.5 Releases August 24th! pic.twitter.com/wiyurnxaxy

  • Watch Dogs: Legion (@WatchDogsgame) August 13, 2021

Other messages on Watch Dogs Legion.

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