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Pokemon Go - How To Defeat Giovanni (December 2021) CJ Keller

How to find the Team Go Rocket Boss Giovanni

There are two main steps that you need to do before you can try to defeat Giovanni in Pokémon Go. The first is to acquire a Super Rocket Radar. This item is the recharged version of the regular Rocket Radar, with which she can fight against the Team Go Rocket Leader. However, while you can get one of the smaller radars by fighting Team Go Rocket Grunts, the Super Rocket Radar is only available in one direction.

How to defeat Giovanni in December 2021

And now we come to the true question how to defeat Giovanni in Pokémon Go for December 2021. This requires solid counterattacks that we list below. In addition, however, they have to develop a strategy by applying their own tactics against him. First, make sure your Parser counter is not in your first slot. If you exchange Pokémon, Giovanni interrupts its own attacks for 2-3 seconds, causing you to do damage and win charging attack energy. And you will then want to use this energy to burn Giovanni's two shields. He will use her against your first two charged attacks, so do not worry about damage or type combinations with you. Just fire it to make your later counters actually meet.

Giovanni counter

The only thing that really has never really changed, Giovanni begins the fighting in December 2021 with Persians.

Persian counter

Traitor with smack down and crunch Lucio with Counter and Aura Sphere Terrain with smack down and rock slide Mach amp with Counter and Dynamic Punch Conkeldurr with Counter and Dynamic Punch

The next round changes, with either Hyperion, kinglier or invoking be added to the list.

Hyperion counter

Kinglier — bubble and crab hammer Ky ogre — waterfall and hydro pump Crude — wine whip and power whip Roseate — razor blade and sunbeam Billabong — razor blade and grass nodes

Kinglier counter

Polka with dragon cock and aquarium Ludicrous with Razor Leaf and Leaf Storm Become with dragon's condition and crunch Diana with dragon's condition and iron head

Nicking counter

Napoleon with waterfall and hydro cane Moot with Psycho Cut and Strike Swam pert with water gun and hydrophobia Ky ogre with waterfall and surf Landlords (incarnation) with sludge shot and earth power

Finally, you meet Shadow Lucia. This will be your reward if you can defeat Giovanni. A new reward is presented. If you already have this Pokémon, you may have to wait until then to use your Super Rocket Radar.

Shadow Lucia counter

Zero with charge beam and wild load Thunderous (Thermal) with Voltschalter and Thunderbolt Dark with growls and shadow ball Hyperion with Smack Down and Rock Wrecker Haiku with Thunder Shock and Wild Charge Grating (origin) with shadow claw and shadow ball

And so you find and defeat Giovanni in Pokémon Go for December 2021.


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