In recent year-end, Holiday Sale, with the Holiday Sale, a free distribution of Epic Games, which is a free deployment, free of the tombs of Tomb Rebut, free.
Tomb Radar 3 trilogy is a highlight of the recently followed by the highlights of the free distribution title, on January 7, 2022, the Tomb Radar (2013, 26,4,730 won), the 20th anniversary of the Rise of Tomb Radar Monument (2016, 59,900 won), Shadow of Tomb Radar de (2018, 2014, 44,400 won) You can get all three game games free.
The Tomb Radar series was a 3D action adventure game with the first game in 1996, and at the same time, the genre was established and the Lara Croft was a result of a result of a league character. However, the series continued and became popular, and the hands of Crystal Dynamics were held in 2013 by a massive reboot. It was a strong veteran explorer, and it has been renovated to live a novice college student who tried to survive, not a rare craft, and afterwards, he was once a trilogy that was climbed by Rise-Shadow.
Meanwhile, Epic Games Holiday Sale will proceed to January 6, which will be held up to 75% off the Battlefield 2042, Battlefield 2042, PACA 6, Jurassic World Evolution 2, and Guardians of Galaxy.
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