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Diablo 2 Resurrected: Item

On the journey through the countries of Sanktuario you will find numerous items that can help you master your tasks. You can view the properties of an item in your inventory or inventory of a dealer by marking the item with the mouse pointer (Mouse-Over). If an item is marked in your inventory, your treasure or inventory of a dealer, a description will be released with all known properties above the subject matter.

If objects are on the floor, press the Alt key and holds it pressed to display a name tag for each item in the immediate vicinity. You can cancel items by clicking on their name signs or the objects themselves. But caution: While holding down the Alt key, you can not use any other items or attack monsters!

About this table of contents you can quickly and easily find the area of ​​the specials you are looking for.

  1. Page 1diablo 2 Resurrected: Items - General
  2. Page 2DIABLO 2 Resurrected: Amulets & Rings
  3. Page 3DIABLO 2 RESURRECTED: Armor
  4. Page 4DIABLO 2 RESURRECTED: Weapons
  5. Page 5diablo 2 Resurrected: Top unique (unique) helmets
  6. Page 6DIABLO 2 RESURRECTED: Top unique (unique) armor
  7. Page 7DIABLO 2 RESURRECTED: Top unique (unique) shields
  8. Page 8diablo 2 Resurrected: Top Unique (Unique) Gloves, Belt & Boots
  9. Page 9DIABLO 2 RESURRECTED: Top unique (unique) weapons
  10. Page 10DIABLO 2 RESURRECTED: Top unique (unique) amulets & rings
  12. Page 12DIBLO 2 Resurrected: Item Price List (Softcore Ladder)
  13. Page 13DIABLO 2 Resurrected: Crafting (Crafting) - General
  14. Page 14DIABLO 2 Resurrected: Crafting - Wizard Recipes
  15. Page 15diablo 2 Resurrected: Crafting - Blood Recipes
  17. Page 17DIABLO 2 Resurrected: Crafting - Security Recipes
  18. Page 18DIABLO 2 RESURRECTED: Further basic items
  19. Page 19Pictures Gallery for Diablo 2 Resurrected: Items, Crafting, Price Lists and more

Diablo 2 resurrected: The immortal king set is not only popular with barbarians due to the high elementary damage bonuses in melamental: Blizzard

Magic objects

(Names are written in Blue )

When hell brought spoiling across the country, many magicians and blacksmiths have created magical weapons to protect people from harm. Precious amulets, rings, jewels, magic, armor and weapons were often enchanted with overground energy to support all that fought against the hordes of evil. In your travel, you will probably encounter such magic objects whose names appear in Blue when marked.

Rare objects

(Names are written in yellow )

Some magical objects exude more energy than a simple enchanted object. These objects are very rare, but significantly more effective than normal objects reinforced by magic. A rare object is characterized by a yellow name when marked. Rare objects contain more than two magical properties and are very appreciated by those they own.

Special or unique items

(Names are written in Gold )

Every now and then, a determined and intrepid adventurer can detect an object of particularly legendary and unique power.

Set objects

(Names are written in green )

Rumors tell of unique, unparalleled sets of objects that once belonged to great heroes and stretching. These sets states that they give extra magical skills when all parts were found and installed. Set objects can be recognized by your green name. If a set object has been identified, it calls the other parts that are required to complete the set.

Produced items

(Names are written in orange )

Prepared items (Crafted Items) resemble rare objects, but can not be played via gambling, dropped from monsters or found in chests. They are only producible using the Horadrim cube. Craft items are a form of gambling for high-level or hardcore players who have the ingredients and time to produce good items. Produced items have the potential to be better than rare objects and possibly certain set or unique items. Items in orange are manufactured objects.

Suckled and essential objects

(Names are written in gray )

The blacksmith s old times mastered the art of giving weapons and armor magical forces by adorning them with mighty jewels. Irise thieves have robbed most of the preserved witnesses of this art through their valuable stones, so their true forces broke until new gems, runes or jewels found and inserted into the empty versions. The exact type of spell depends on the type and quality of the inserted items associated with the subject matter, as well as the type of object itself.

Hints The number of sockets possible on an item depends on the degree of play. If you want most of the sockets, the items must come from the degree of difficulty hell and, if possible, from the later files of the game.

The first quest in act 5 allows players to peddle every item, the pedestal allows. However, this quest may not add the maximum number of sockets when the item comes from lower play severity levels. Any type of armor or weapon, even if he has magical properties, can be etheric . These items appear transparent in the inventory. If you are in use, they also appear transparent to the character that uses it. Their essential nature gives them an improved basic property. However, their durability is limited, and they can not be repaired. Due to their origin from another level, the requirements of essential objects are often less than that of a corresponding normal object. Like socketed objects, they are characterized by a gray name, unless they are magical, rare or unique essential items. Set items can not be essential.

Hints Essential objects modify the basic properties of items as follows: • Weapons: + 50% basic damage • Armor: + 50% basic defense

You can place Zod runes (indestructible) in some essential objects to prevent them from being destroyed. This also applies to Rune words that include a ZOD Rune.

Insertable items

In addition to the gems in the original Diablo 2, the extension Lord of Destruction and Diablo 2 Resurrected offer two new types of objects that can be inserted into the empty pedestal of an item: jewels and runes.


Precious gems mountains natural magical properties. Inserted into pedestal items, these gems can give powerful magical properties. Gems higher level have a stronger effect. Incidentally, it is asserted that the skulls of some demonic creatures labeled with pagan symbols have a similar effect like gems. You can learn more about gemstones in this article.


Jewels are similar to gems, but instead of predetermined magical properties, as with a gemstone, they have arbitrary magical properties, allowing you to give your pedestal object a variety of magical properties. Some unusual (rare) jewels can have two or more magical properties. Before you start a jewel, its magical properties must be identified either by means of a scroll of the identification or by a wise man who fits this service. You can learn more about jewels in this article.


Runes are small stones with inscriptions made of magical glyphs that can be used in pedestal items. Runes differ from other inseriable objects: not only individual runes have magical properties, certain combinations (or rune words) can also give a subject when inserted in the correct order, also wonderful properties. More about Runes and Rune words can be experiencing this article.


Spell (or Spell Amulets For better distinction of magic skills) are special magical objects that give magical improvements without having to have to be used or worn. Spells simply give their properties in that they are in the backpack of your character. They do not work if they are placed in the treasure of the character or in the Horadrim cube (even if this Horadrim cube is in the backpack of your character). More about magic are learning in this article.

Loaded objects

Some magical objects provide every character to use certain skills, including other classes. Some of these objects have skills that are triggered only in certain circumstances, for example when attacking an enemy or even attacked by one. Loaded objects allow the user to use the skill according to their own well-fault, but only a limited number of inserts is possible.

In order to access the craft awarded by a loaded object, clicking the skill selection of the right mouse button (or presses the S key). The skill of the loaded object is listed in the upper part of your list of available skills. Left-click on the icon to select it; Of course you can also put them on a hotkey. The skill can then be used by right-clicking on a destination. Loading objects can only be used limited, therefore do not forget to see in the pop-up description of the object or in the lower right corner of the skill icon, how many charges are still left. If the charges of an object are consumed, you can visit a city nearby and recharge the subject again by asking the blacksmith there to repair it.

Class-specific items

There are certain items that can only be used by your chosen class and have special skills that are relevant for this class. Therefore, keep careful about the requirements of each item listed in the pop-up description to see if an object is class-specific.

Elite items

Elite items are comparable to the Exceptional Exceptional) items from Diablo 2, only much more powerful. Exceptional objects can be found in the higher levels of difficulty nightmare and hell . They look like objects of difficulty degree normal (in inventory and character), but wear other names and have significantly improved properties.

Elite items are still larger caliber than extraordinary objects. They find them predominantly in games of difficulty degree hell . They have new names and proportionally improved properties, but keep the appearance of the corresponding extraordinary and normal versions.

Stackable approaches

Some objects can be stacked on each other in the same inventory subject. Examples include: keys and all objects that you can throw or shoot with a bow or crossbow - arrows, bolts, throw knives, throwing skewers, exploding elixirs, toxic elixirs, and the like. Stackable objects show if they are marked as part of their description a lot (even if this amount is 1). If you use these items, this number decreases until the stack is used up.

You can merge stackable objects of the same type, for example pillets by taking a pile and dropping on another stack. The amounts of both stacks are added and form a new stack. If the resulting stack exceeds the maximum number of possible stack objects per tray, the overpasses form a new stack. Once articles have been stacked, you can not undo that. Note that only exact same objects can be stacked.

When your spacers uses, an icon appears with crossed arrows in the game window as soon as little ammunition is in your quiver. The same applies to throwing weapons.

Potions and elixirs

During your adventure, you will find different types of magically improved elixirs. The most common ones are medicinal and manatains. There is also antidote to eliminate the different suffering that can plague an adventurer, as well as toxic and fleeting wire mixing. More about drinking and elixirers is in this article.


The stresses of the fighting ensure considerable wear and wear of the equipment of a hero and finally make the equipment useless. Objects that are subject to wear, if marked, in their description, a number for durability. The first number shows the current durability of the subject, while the second number indicates the general durability of the object.

If the durability of an object is low, a silhouette appears in the upper right corner of the game window. Objects with low durability are displayed yellow. A red object has durability 0 and can not be used until it is repaired. A blacksmith can repair items and restore their original condition. Magically reinforced objects to repair can be expensive, but it s mostly worth investing the gold.

The Horadrim Cube

The Horadrim cube is far more than just a quest item, because it can be used for a variety of things. You can learn more about the Horadrim cube in this article.

Item properties - conceptual declarations

As a rule, all item properties that appear in the following tables are self-explanatory. However, there are some requiring a closer explanation:

Death stroke : Death stroke is the same as a critical hit, that means you causes double damage. The damage is doubled nach all other bonuses, including the modifiers of strength and skill. Critical hits and death rake are not stackable; With, for example, 50% chance to a critical goal and 50% chance of death, you have a 75% chance to cause double damage. Desonic blow : Desonic blow is a special magical property in Diablo 2, which allows you to carry out a devastating hit with massive damage that meets a percentage of the life points of the opponent. At melee weapons, this is 25% in normal monsters, 12.5% ​​in bossmonstern and 10% in PVP or at rented mercenaries; For ranged weapons, it is 12.5%, 6.25% and 5% or respectively. Open wounds : Open wounds is a special magical property that is added to certain set or unique objects including Runenn word items, but not magical or rare objects. When an opponent has open wounds, he bleed uncontrollably and loses life with time. OSKILL -ITEMS : An OSKILL (or off-skill ) is a bonus for a specific class craft without class restriction, whereby characters can use a skill, even if it is usually not available to your class . Oskills do not appear in the skill tree of the character and a character can not spend skill points to improve the Oskills. Oskill levels can only be improved by bonus + on all skills . If the character does not have the skill, the base step is set to 0 for this skill. Otherwise, Oskills like the for your class, that is, they can be assigned left and right mouse buttons as well as hotkeys, provided that the skill usually allows this. Oskills appear only on unique equipment and rune words.

About our author

This article was written by Norbert Nobbie rod based on the only official English-language Diablo 2 Encyclopedia, the ARREAT Summit. The ARREAT Summit is under damped Diablo 2 fans of the Holy Grail of theorycrafting. Nobbie plays Diablo 2 since his year of publication 2000 and did the game itself. His favorite classes are the druid and the deadlocks.



1 2 ... 19 Diablo 2 Resurrected: Items - Generalesdiablo 2 Resurrected: Amulette & RingediaBlo 2 Resurrected: ArmorDiablo 2 Resurrected: WaffendiaBlo 2 Resurrected: Top Unique (Unique) HelmediaBlo 2 Resurrected: Top Unique (Unique) ArmorDiablo 2 Resurrected: Top unique (Unique) SchildediaBlo 2 Resurrected: Top Unique (Unique) Gloves, Belt & StepeldiaBlo 2 Resurrected: Top Unique (Unique) Waffendiablo 2 Resurrected: Top Unique (Unique) Amulette & RingediaBlo 2 Resurrected: Top Sets & Set ItemsDiablo 2 Resurrected: Item Price list (Softcore Ladder) Diablo 2 Resurrected: Crafting (Crafting) - Generalesdiablo 2 Resurrected: Crafting - Sorcerer-ReceptorediaBlo 2 Resurrected: Crafting - Blood ReceptorediaBlo 2 Resurrected: Crafting - Power ReceptorediaBlo 2 Resurrected: Crafting - Safety ReceptediaBlo 2 Resurrected: Further basic article gallery gallery for Diablo 2 Resurrected: Items, Crafting, Price Lists and more


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