A new construction game on Steam replaces people through beaver. The sweet rodents can not only build huge cities, but also ensure that Timberborn puts in the list of top sellers.
Biber are in new Steam game the heroes
People had their chance on earth. After the bipeds have transformed the planet into a bleak Ödland, it is now to the beaver you newly populate . In Timberborn, you must first choose a beaver faction and maintain your colony as long as possible. The players already love the starting game now and catapult it on the fifth place of the Steam Topsellistlist.
Of course, a specialty of the beaver is your handling of water. With the help of dams and locks, you have to bring the life back to the Ödland and accumulate supplies for drought periods. Even with wood, the rodents are well known. With the resource you build advanced machines and huge cities.
Steam player love Timberborn
The new setup game on Steam is currently still in the Early Access. Nevertheless, all core mechanics should already be included in the game, so that they only need to be expanded. The players are already enthusiastic about the construction game. Currently falling 94 percent of the 1396 steam ratings positive .
The players praise the complex managing the rare water and the destructible environment . Although it is still in the Early Access, according to the review, it is also largely stable. The sweet beavers also have their share of the success of the game. By September 22, Timberborn is reduced to steam to 10 percent and costs only 18.89 euros.
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If your playback plays and sweet beaver loves, Timberborn is just the right game for you . The Steam game currently clears positive reviews and even easily reaches the fifth place of the top seller list.
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